Red Rocks is carved into North America’s cultural landscape as strikingly as the soaring rock formations that flank the natural ampitheatre. Renowned for its near perfect acoustics, it is a favourite for both performers and fans – loved for its visual drama, beauty and entrancing energy.

Tipper and Red Rocks are a match made in electronic heaven. A place where the monolithic meets dimension and fidelity. The enigmatic, spotlight-shirking producer first played the 9,500-capacity venue in 2015. In the days that followed, glowing words flowed on to pages, photos and videos incapable of capturing the real-life magic flooded the internet, and everyone agreed that this performance, in which music, art and sound design came together to form a mesmerising bundle of ‘wow’, was very special indeed.

In July, Tipper returned to Red Rocks for two consecutive nights, armed with a new sound experience for the famous venue. A sound experience delivered by Funktion-One’s Vero.

Read all about it in the September/October issue of TPi Magazine.

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